
This e-book is based on the desk and field research on PL and its connections to PE. Desk research quickly reviewed up-to-date publications about PL, PE, and PA in various countries around the world and the field research consisted of several focus group interviews with university students and in-service teachers within participating countries to explore their understanding of PL and its impact on PA engagement, teaching PE and individual experiences. During those focus groups, we also conducted online surveys gathering 92 participants’ answers. 

According to the previously mentioned findings from the desk and field research, a pedagogical framework for teaching and learning about PL was recognised, accompanied by associated learning objectives outlined in the comprehensive report of the pedagogical framework for PL. This framework can be assessed on the project’s website and is intended to provide direction for the creation of educational materials focused on PL, which is being developed by the consortium in a subsequent phase of the project.

The e-book comprises eight modules. Most of the modules take approximately 10 hours to explore. In the modules, there are some reflecting exercises to discuss together, to increase engagement with the topic and some review or self-assessment questions to check final understanding.

Teacher: Anna Podara